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terra cotta
Candy Dish Reward Bowls for Teacher Gifts
These are made out of a large glass bowl and terra cotta pots. I used an 8" pot for the bottom. The top was a 5" dish and for my bowls; I was able to put them inside. Some bowls you can put them inside or outside depending on your bowls. I bought these glass bowls at thrift stores. They run $6.99 or so at Michael's (craft store). I ended up getting them much cheaper at the thrift stores. The terra cotta pots I did buy at Michael's. I spray painted the pots. Then used E-6000 glue to glue the glass onto the pots. My daughter and I figured out the themes and sayings to match each teacher. Then I used my Cricut and cut out the sayings and their names in vinyl and proceeded to put everything on. The sky is the limit with your ideas. You can tailor this to any theme for any teacher. We are also filling the bowls with lots of great items for rewards for them to give out...non-candy related. Bookmarks, pens, pencils, erasers, little notebooks, balls, craft items we have made and much more. We will probably have so much that we'll end up with an extra box of goodies for them to fill them up with later on.
Back to instructions: For the top, I also used E-6000 to glue a knob on the top of dish. You can use wooden knobs, but because these are very special teachers we splurge
on the the knobs to make them a little fancier.
We can't wait to give them to the teachers. They are Christmas gifts.
Candy Glass Jars
I do love a good thrift store. Glass products are something you can get on sale for very cheap and you can clean them very well through the dishwasher. They are very versatile.
These 2 items are 2 gifts that I made last Christmas and gave to my daughter's Awana teachers. The top one was a type of vase glued onto a candlestick and then we filled it with a bag of Christmas
. We did a Cricut vinyl "Faith" on the outside. The bottom one was a glass jar with lid. We also filled it with Christmas M&M's but this one had "Laugh Often" on the outside. For sanitary purposes, we left the M&M's in the bag. If it had been for a family member, we would have opened the bag, but for others...we felt it was better to leave it in the bag.
There are so many things to do with glass jars. There are so many types or jars. Candy dishes, office supplies, candle holders, makeup/nail polish holders...the list is endless depending on the person you are doing the gift for.
Seattle Seahawks Candy Jar
I'm a big Seattle Seahawks fan. I've been wanting to make this for myself but haven't had time with Christmas gifts to make for others. So I finally took the time to make something for myself. I used a 5" saucer for the top and a football drawer pull that my mom found at a yard sale. The 4" bowl is a fish bowl from a yard sale and the terra cotta bottom pot is a 6" pot. You can use any sizes you want to make the type you want to. The vinyl decals are off etsy. My Cricut isn't a newer one and isn't hooked up to a computer so I can't do these kind of decals. They didn't cost very much though. I had the spray paint and the ribbon and buttons.
Snowflake Terra Cotta Candy Dish
This candy jar is made from a terra cotta pot, terra cotta bottom and a glass fish bowl. I also used a knob for the top and vinyl snowflakes on the glass jar. I used fake snow and fake button snowflakes to decorate the candy jar. This is a Christmas gift for my daughter's Youth Group leader couple. I'm going to put candy in it before we give it to them next week.
Valentine Candy/Candle Holder
This is another type of cool glassware you can find at thrift stores. I found 2 of the same, so I made 2 of these for my table. On the outside is vinyl from my Cricut. On the inside is another glass jar with a candle. Then around that jar is conversation hearts.
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