The "Healing Power of Crochet"
For many crocheters, crochet is a way to relax, but it also has a special, unique power to heal. There is something about making something from only a skein of's powerful. What a joy it is to use your hands to make an item people use to keep warm whether it's hats, scarves, mittens, sweaters or blankets. Maybe it's because at that moment, you aren't thinking about yourself or the pain you are feeling. You are trying to help someone else.
Crocheting is a lifelong skill that can help you throughout your life. I know of people that didn't use it until they had a crisis in their life or until they were in bed sick and couldn't move. If you want to learn, Youtube has wonderful videos from people that have been kind enough to take the time to put the videos on it. Also, one site that I have loved is this site She is a certified teacher and very passionate about crochet. I have loved this site for over 10 years. I highly recommend it to anyone wanting to learn a stitch or learn how to crochet.
What do we get out of this process of "the healing power of crochet" ? We get satisfaction of a completed project and knowing we did the project very well. We get that feeling of accomplishment when we do a very hard project with complicated stitches or procedure. We get calmness when our hands are busy and not fidgety (some of us can't watch T.V. without our hands being busy). We bond with each other over projects and now the value of our work. We share in those accomplishments and even sometimes our failures. We are crocheters and understand the power of yarn. Here is info about brain chemicals and how our brain works here
Life is so stressful and a hobby can help ease the suffering. Crochet can help with depression. It can help with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, ME, and many other chronic pain syndromes. It can help you when you are going through a bad time. I have had my share of health issues with fighting Fibromyalgia, depression, anxiety and a brain aneurysm. I find more peace in crocheting and helping others than in the medicines and their side effects.
Perhaps there's a new neighbor that just moved in and you take a basket of bread over with a crochet dishcloth draped over the basket with a thoughtful note. Maybe a friend had a new baby and you whipped a baby bib and some baby booties. It's teacher's appreciation week at school and you wanted to send a coffee cozy and gift card to a coffee shop. There's administrative assistant day... so many great ideas for him or her out there. How about boss' day and you want to give him/her something homemade that no one else would give to the boss that has everything? I once made my husband's boss a crocheted hacky sack. Now some would think this isn't a great gift, but he loved it as he played hacky sack everyday at the time.
So let's make a list who can we make gifts for:
- neighbors
- friends
- family members
- pets
- boss
- co-workers
- the mail carrier
- the newspaper deliverer
- local police department
- local fire department
- school teachers
- school principals
- school adminstrative assistants
- school coaches
- school librarian
- school resource officers
- bus driver
- music teacher if your child takes lessons
- hair stylist
- (if you have) a neighborhood lawn mower
- (if you have) someone who does your lawn maintenance spring/fall or all the time
- (if you have) a dog walker/babysitter/groomer (or all three...because our pets are special to us)
- local library
- veterinarian office
- local hospitals
- dental offices
- doctors offices
- newspaper office
- charities
- homeless shelters
- animal shelters- many do like blankets (you might need to call your local one to check)
- (if you go) to church- you have pastors and staff at church
- coaches if you have teams outside of school activities
- have items made up of RAOK (random acts of kindness)
- veterans at the local veterans homes
- slippers or shawls for the elderly at nursing homes
- Coffee Baristas (especially if you go to the same shop every day and know them)
- Hats and Scarves made up to just randomly hand out for Acts of Kindness at Christmas- perfect for your kids to do
- Give a hat or scarf or mittens to the Salvation Army Bucket Person in front of the stores at Christmas time
Here are just a few ideas. I'm sure some of you have even more great ideas. Crochet can be great gifts and very meaningful gifts too. I've made people cry (not intentionally) by giving them items. Not everyone appreciates crochet, but those that do-- will let you know it.
Some of the biggest children's hospitals in the U.S. are using crocheting and knitting for parents of serious ill children. Many of the parents can't concentrate to read during this awful time, but when you teach them how to crochet (or knit)...they are doing something. Some make items for their sick child or for their other children that aren't sick. Some give back to those people who help them through this crisis.
For whatever reason why you crochet, may it help you with dealing with life.
In it's own way, crochet can be a very powerful healer.